Friday, March 13, 2020

Building Capacity

This week we took a closer look at "Goldilocks and the Three Bears."  Within our study we started investigating capacity in terms of how much something will hold.  The children conducted a capacity experiment with the three bears' bowls.  Each student estimated how much each bowl would hold and then counted as they measured.

We also read "Have You Filled Your Bucket Today?" and talked about how we spread kindness.  We started a classroom challenge by trying to earn hearts to fill a very small bucket.  WE DID IT and earned a special activity.  When we return to school we will try to fill a bigger bucket by spreading kindness.

If you wish you may want to check out some learning websites like:

Wishing you a healthy and safe break.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

"Pancake Day" and "Fairy Tale Day"

The weather sure has been unpredictable, and has reinforced that we need to be flexible with our learning and schedules.

Last week we celebrated "Pancake Day" and "Fairy Tale Day" in KA.  The students thoroughly enjoyed both!

Our special Fairy Tale Day has been a perfect spring board to our more intensive study of some fairy tales and identifying some common characteristics in most fairy tales.

We hope to wrap up our fairy tale learning by March Break and transition quickly to our "Royal Castle" dramatic play and our dragon and unicorn research projects.  If you have any items at home that will enhance this learning, please send them in after March Break.