Sunday, May 31, 2020

Back Yard Adventures:Things that go up, must come down

Weekly Message with Mrs. Bennett-Jervis

"Opposite Song"

Opposites Game

Mystery Reader #2 Clues

Mystery Reader #2

Please be sure to make an entry in your "Backyard Journal"  What did you see, hear, notice this week that you want to draw and write about?

Literacy and Math Behaviours

Visit Epic and Read:  "Up and Down"

Visit Epic and Read "What Can Fly"

Math Talk

"Ordinal Numbers Song"

Please pick one of these literacy options that best suits your child's ability and/or interest:

Make a list of all of the places that you would like to visit once it is safe for people to travel, or you can make a list of ways that you can travel.

 Wh Sound with Mrs. Bennett-Jervis

"Wh Sound" by Jack Hartmann:

Jack Hartmann "New Sight Words 2"

Please pick one of these numeracy options that best suits your child's ability and/or interest:

Complete the Ordinal Numbers Colouring Page in attachments in email.

Find find 10 different coloured cars.  Line them up and push them off at the same time.  What colour was first, second, third etc.

Ask your family members to join you in a race.  Identify who came first, second, third etc.

Belonging and Contributing
Ask people in your family to play a game with you.  Pick someone to be the "nature guide"; they then pick up an item (something found naturally outside) and show it to the group. The group has 100 seconds to find a similar-looking item. The person with the most similar item is the new nature guide.
Visit Epic and read "Planting a Garden in the Spring".  Ask your parents to help you take the sunflower seeds that I have mailed you and plant them (You may have planted them a few weeks ago when you received them).  Remember what plants need to grow?  They need water and sunlight so make sure you pick the right spot to plant them.  Over the next few weeks, you will be doing some work as you care for and monitor the growth of your seeds.

Self-Regulation and Well-Being

Make a Healthy snack.  Here are some fun suggestions:

Rocket snacks
Rocket Skewers - The Crafting ChicksOn snack duty for the whole class? Before you panic, try this easy snack idea!

Watch the Epic Video "Go Bananas".  Then pick three different fruits or vegetables and conduct a survey.  Ask family members which they like best.  Remember to record your survey question and your choices.  Tally marks should be used to record the results of your survey.

Spend time outdoors.  Make sure you are getting your daily dose of vitamin "N".  Please take a picture of you enjoying time outdoors or participating in online learning and send them to me.

Problem Solving and Innovating

Jack Hartmann "Forces Can Push or Pull"

Using materials that you can find in your home design something that flies.  Two options, but not limited to are kites and airplanes.  Some suggestions for materials are paper, string, straws, streamers, sticks, tape and etc.

Get creative and artistic and remember that designing is a process.  If your creation does not fly well the first time, make adjustments to your design and try again.

When you are done, have an adult take a picture and you can finish my sentence on the printed picture:  My ____ flew as high as....,
or you can do a "how to fly a kite/airplane video and send it to me.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Back Yard Adventures :Bubbles & Boats

Message from Mrs. Bennett-Jervis

Using your marker board, please write down your guesses for the Mystery Reader before clicking on the link. 

Mystery Reader #1

If you want to check out more kid-friendly facts about bubbles, check out this link

Literacy and Math Behaviours

Make a list of all the fun things that you have done outdoors.  You can draw pictures and label or make a list with numbers.

Go to Epic and read "Bibble and Bubbles"

Go to Epic and watch the video about how to make bubble solution

Using the recipe provided in the video, make homemade bubbles or use your own bubble solution.  Can you blow a big bubble, small bubbles, count how many bubbles you can make at a time.  How many different ways can you count the bubbles?

Write instructions how to make the biggest bubble.  You can do this in many ways.  You could have a parent take pictures and you can label what you are doing in each picture or you can do it as a procedural writing piece with steps.  

QU are Stuck Like Glue

Q Has a Best Friend U

Jack Hartmann "New Sight Words 1"

Please pick one of these literacy options that best suits your child's ability and/or interest:

Bubble Trouble Game

Make a list of all the words that you can think of that rhyme with "Cake",   "Small", and Frog.  Remember, if you can write one word in a family, you can write many!

Number Rhymes

Messy Math: You will need a variety of containers and a big bowl.  Students will guess how many small containers it will take to fill the large bowl.  This activity can be done in a water play, kiddie pool or sand box.  SK's should record how many small containers the big one will hold to give them an opportunity to write their numbers.  This can be done with sidewalk chalk, their marker board or as a paper and pencil activity.  JK's will focus on counting and retaining the number.

Please pick one of these numeracy options that best suits your child's ability and/or interest:

 Popping Bubbles to 20 Song

Using your bubble solution, blow bubbles and count how many you make with each blow.

Complete Bubble Kindergarten Math Page attached in email.

Belonging and Contributing

Think of all the people you are thankful to have in your "bubble" or your world.  Using a big piece of paper draw a bubble, now draw all of these people who you are thankful for.  Be sure to include their names.  Take a picture of the art and text or send these pictures to all of these people.  Another option would be to draw a bubble and inside draw a picture of each person that is important to you and be sure to tell them why they are special to you.  Send that individual picture in the mail to that person.

Create a backyard game like Tic Tac Toe with the wood slab and painted rocks or use your sidewalk chalk.  Ask a member of your family to play with you.

Self-Regulation and Well-Being

Try your hand at making a healthy snack that you can enjoy in your backyard.  Here are a few pictures of snacks that you might want to make.

  Healthy Thanksgiving Snack Crafts for KidsHey everyone! I hope you all had a nice Easter. Ours consisted of travel, sickness and a cancelled Easter dinner, but that didn’t stop me from getting in an Easter egg hunt with my oldest. April has brought a new 10-day challenge group and I’m so excited to begin another one of these. I do …

Poppin' Bubbles
Bubble Wrap Rap

Here is an art project for you using bubbles.  Soap Bubble Art Work

Problem Solving and Innovating

Conduct your own sink or float experiments.  This activity can be done both inside or outside if you have a large basin.  Find a collection of items that you would like to "test".

Be sure to make your predictions before you conduct your experiment.  Create a T-chart with two columns "Sink" and "Float".  Try to draw the object, write the first sound you hear in each word, or stretch out the whole word.  Have fun testing your objects.  Remember to give yourself a check mark if you predicted correctly.

Go to Epic and read "Sinking or Floating"

Using everyday items build your own boat.  Remember to think about using materials that are water resistant so they won't get water logged.  Some suggestions would be styrofoam trays or containers, aluminum cans and foil, cork, or plastic bottles.  Test it to see if it will float. If it doesn't float, what could you change and then try again?

If your boat floats, how many pennies will it hold before it sinks?

Monday, May 18, 2020

Zoo Wrap Up

 Mrs.Bennett-Jervis Weekly Message

Goodbye Poem | Preschool poems, Kindergarten poems, Classroom songs

"Good-Bye Song" from The Learning Station

Literacy and Math Behaviours

Visit Epic and Read:  "Old MacDonald Had a Zoo"  and then try to add more verses to the song using your favourite zoo animals.

There are some rhyming words in Old MacDonald Had a Zoo.  Pick out all the words that you hear that rhyme.  You may choose to write these words or simply say them.

Complete the write the room Zoo Activity in email attachments.

Alphabet Zoo:

Jack Hartmann "Th Sound":  

"Th" sound "The Rude Sound-TH"
Say as many words as you can that begin and end with th.  Write as many words as you can that begin with th and end with th.

Lower Case Egg Letters

Please pick one of these literacy options that best suits your child's ability and/or interest: 

Visit Epic and Read:  "Night at the Zoo" then create puppets for the animals and retell the story in your own words and act it out.

Do a written retell of the story "Night at the Zoo".  Remember to use all your writing strategies to record all the big ideas of the story.

Positional Language

Jack Hartmann "All Around the Farm" 

Arrange a zoo animal in different places and ask where is it.  Have your child identify where it is.  For example:  place a monkey on the chair.  The child would respond "The monkey is on the chair".  Then move the monkey to a new location.  Try to have them identify:  on top, under, behind, beside, above, below, and in front.

Number Talk

Complete "How Many Do you See" in the email attachments.

Please pick one of these numeracy options that best suits your child's ability and/or interest:

Belonging and Contributing

Zoo keepers work together as a team to keep the animals healthy and happy.  Pick a healthy snack or meal that you could make with your family.  Try to write a list of healthy foods or send me pictures of you helping prepare the meal.  If parents do not feel comfortable with your child helping in the kitchen, they could go through a flyer and cut out healthy food options or help write a grocery list.

Throughout the course of our time exploring in the zoo, you have been asked to watch videos and listen to the experts, now it is time for you to get in front of the camera.  Create a virtual tour of the zoo you made at home.  Tell one fact about each of the animals in your zoo, or you can do a spot light on your favourite animal that you researched.  Share this video with a member of your family to celebrate all that you have learned.

Self-Regulation and Well-Being

"Cosmic Yoga Kangaroo"

Make a toilet paper roll zoo animal.  Here are some examples:

Image result for toilet paper roll zoo animals

Problem Solving and Innovating

Create your own Zoo Animal Guess Who Game using the cards in the Email attachment.

Create a zoo animal out of Lego or any other construction materials you have at home.

Image result for how to make a zoo animal out of legoImage result for how to make a zoo animal out of legoImage result for how to make a zoo animal out of lego

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Let's Celebrate Growth!

Good morning KA!
It is a beautiful day outside.  I hope you have some time to enjoy the sunshine today.  I wanted to give you an update on my chicks here at home.  They are three weeks old and growing quickly.  What do you notice is happening as they grow?  Do you see that they are losing their fluffy yellow feathers and growing white feathers?

I want to give you a huge hi five!  As a class, we have read over 250 books on EPIC.

Keep up the awesome learning and keep living up to our adage at school "Teamwork makes the dream work"!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Dear Zoo...

Zoo Manners Poem for Class 2 | Download Poem PDF for Free

Literacy and Math Behaviours

You should have received a letter and self-addressed envelope from Mrs. Bennett-Jervis.
Write Mrs. Bennett-Jervis a letter back stating which animal you would keep as a pet from the
zoo.  Remember writing includes pictures and words. If your parents will allow it, take it
to the post office and mail it back to me.

CH Sound

Free Consonant Digraph Posters

Here is a list of Ch words.  You can copy 5 of these or come up with 5 of your own.

You can draw pictures of 5 of these words.

Egg Upper Case Letter Game 

Number Talk

Please pick one of these literacy options that best suits your child's ability
and/or interest:

Write out the letters of the alphabet down a page.  See if you can think of and write an animal that begins with each letter.

Create a map of your zoo so the people in your house know how to find each exhibit.

Please pick one of these numeracy options that best suits your child's ability
and/or interest:

Gather a collection of toy animals.  Pick your favourite animal out of the group. 
How can we show how big our animals are?  We could measure how tall!

When measuring things in kindergarten, we use non-standard measurement.  That
means we take everyday objects to use as our "unit of measurement". You can use
anything that you find around your house like pencils, lego, blocks or anything else of
uniform size. 

 Rules of Measurement

We have 2 simple rules when measuring:

Use the same unit of measurement and leave no spaces.

Now google the real-life size of your animal for comparison.  Bonus, you can order your
toy animals from smallest to largest.

Belonging and Contributing

There are many important people in our lives.  Ask a parent for permission to call
someone special to you and share what you have been learning about through our
remote learning activities and anything extra you have been doing at home. 
Please remember to use your phone manners by saying hello, asking how the other
person is and listening for their response. Have fun connecting with your family and friends
this week.

Our environment is important for all living things, including people and animals. What can
you do to help sustain our environment? Pick one of the following activities:

Plant your sunflowers in a cup and then watch them grow in the next few weeks; or

Create a Nature Wand by decorating a stick with things you fin in your yard--leaves, small cones, feathers; or

Sit outside and keep track of all of the different sounds you hear.

Self-Regulation and Well-Being

Jack Hartmann:  Animals in Action

Go on a nature walk.  Count how many animals you see.  Take pictures of the different types of animals and look them up on google when you go home.

Problem Solving and Innovating

Gather a collection of animals that might belong in the zoo.  Build your own zoo
exhibit using boxes, a shelf, lego, anything you wish.  Label all of the animals by name.
Make pretend tickets to "sell" to your family members.  Share any special
information you have learned over the course of our zoo learning.

Extensions for learning:  You could include an hours of operation sign and practice
writing times to the hour and days of the week.  You could create a sign with rules like
"Don't feed the animals" or directional arrows to exhibits.

**Please note, you will use this "Zoo" dramatic play for the next two weeks. Play as much
you can and enjoy the experience.

Also remember that your learning apps can be played daily as well as reading and writing.