Sunday, April 19, 2020

The R's of Remote Learning: Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmetic, Rhyming, Recycling, and Resilience

Please click on this link to listen to my message to the kids. Weekly Wish April 20, 2020

Literacy and Math Behaviours

Please watch this video to learn more about living and non-living things.

"Living Things and Non-Living Things:

Make a chart for Living Versus Non-Living Things.  In the first column draw or write the names of things that are living.  In the second column draw or write the names of things that are non-living.  This can also be done by gathering collections and taking pictures of each type of thing.

I need you to think back to January, when we returned from Winter Break, we received a package.  Do you remember what it was?  It was a very happy moment for us all.  We received a message from the North Pole.  There was a letter and a package of flowers.  On your spring scavenger hunt last week, many of you might have noticed that flowers are starting to pop up.  The spring is a perfect time to start planting seeds.  I am going to plant the seeds and send you a video of the process.  Planting, like writing is a process and it takes time for us to grow.  Daily drawing and writing is very important.  Here is my challenge for you this week.  Each day, pick someone special in your life and draw a picture and write them a short letter.  You will be planting seeds of happiness in someone's life!

We have one last single letter to work on.  You guessed it, the letter Xx.  Here are a couple of quick videos that you can listen and dance to for help learning about the letter x:

Have Fun Learning the Letter X:

Jolly Phonics Letter X:

After you have listened to these videos, write some letter X's (both upper and lower case are the same, except for the size).  For those looking for a challenge, try to find as many words as you can that have "x" in them.

If you want to make a craft, take two popsicle sticks and glue them together to form an X.  Wait for it to dry and then decorate it with markers, stickers or whatever craft items you have available to you at home.  You can play a game called find the X by hiding it around your house and giving someone clues to find it.  

Please pick one of these literacy options that best suits your child's ability and/or interest:

Sing and Dance to one of our favourite songs:

Play along with Mrs. Bennett-Jervis' video "If I say.. You say.. Rhyming

Write all the words that you can think of that end in "ap", "ay", and "at".

Messy Math:  Let's get outside and have some fun learning.  Practice writing your numbers using side walk chalk.  Now, let's get our bodies moving.  Find objects to represent each number.  For example:  find one rock and place it under the 1.  Find two sticks and place them under the 2.  Take a picture of your "Messy Math" creation.  If you do not have sidewalk chalk, this activity could be done in a sandbox.

Please pick one of these numeracy options that best suits your child's ability and/or interest:

Gather a collection of rocks and 2 dice.  Roll the dice, add the sum of the dice and represent your number sentence with rocks.  If you want to take it one step further, you can use a marker board or piece of paper to record your answers.

Find an old flower pot or container.  Collect a bunch of rocks and use them as manipulatives to count.  Use one to one correspondence and count as high as you can go!

Belonging and Contributing

It is important that children develop an attitude of environmental stewardship and learn that they can do simple things to help our Earth.  I have assigned a few books and videos in "Epic" that can be used to assist the children in learning more about recycling and taking care of our earth.  

"Let's Recycle"


"The Three Little Recyclers"

I found a new song that you might like to dance to at home.  Remember to make up actions to go along with the instructions you are listening for.

Please visit the following Starfall link to practice sorting recyclables.

Draw a picture of something that you can do to help the earth stay healthy and clean.

Self-Regulation and Well-Being


Find a special rock and create your own "Ishi"rock.  You can paint it or use markers to design a rock that is special for you.  Carry it with you to help remind you that all feelings are temporary and that happiness is a choice.  Take pictures of you and your rock throughout the week and send them to me with a message about the special moments you have encountered during the week.

Take some time doing something that you love.  It could be singing a song, dancing, painting a picture or doing a craft, doing a magic trick, gardening, just to give you a few ideas.  I cannot wait to see what you are doing.

Problem Solving and Innovating

Listen to the story: "We Can Reuse it!" 

Building Challenge

When you look at things through the lens of imagination, things that once looked like garbage or recyclables can turn into something spectacular.

Make a creation out of recyclable materials.  You could use plastic containers, paper towel rolls, aluminum cans or pans.  Your imagination is your only limit!  When you are done, take a picture or make a video.  Please be sure that you can answer the following questions:  What is it?  What is the purpose of your creation?  Does it have any special features?

Reminders:  Reading (which includes RAZ kids, read alouds and books your child reads to you, letter and word recognition, and counting) should be done daily to keep skills sharp.  

All of the websites can be used as you see fit.

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